Natural Extract, Vitamin, Mineral, Amino Acid Tablet (5 G Formula)


Product Composition

Our composition contains B complex is a dietary supplement that contains B vitamins: B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin B6, B9 (folate), B12. Also found naturally in a number of foods, B vitamins help the body to produce energy and form red blood cells. Proponents suggest that taking a vitamin B complex may help treat or prevent certain health problems. Minerals support bone health, activate enzymes and produce energy. Minerals are required for hundreds of crucial bodily structures and functions. Yet even when the diet is rich in minerals, many people may not properly absorb or assimilate minerals. Calcium is well-known for bone health, but many other minerals are known to have an established role in human nutrition. A good multi-vitamin or multi-mineral supplement is the best way to ensure you're getting all the minerals you need in an absorbable form. Most multi-vitamins and bone formulas also contain all the necessary nutritional co-factors needed for the body to absorb and use minerals.


⇒ Energy production
⇒ Effective in cardiovascular diseases
⇒ Pernicious anemia
⇒ Strengthens the immune system
⇒ Regulates blood pressure
⇒ Production of red blood cells
⇒ Regulates carbohydrate metabolism
⇒ For rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis
⇒ Effective in neurodegenerative diseases
⇒ Effective in diabetes
⇒ Effective in Hepatitis C
⇒ Antioxidant activity
⇒ For digestion
⇒ Minimize digestive complaints
⇒ Effective in osteoporosis
⇒ Effective in macular degeneration

About Composition:

Grape seed extract is an industrial derivative of grape seeds, extremely rich in antioxidants and oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs). The extract has been linked to a wide range of possible therapeutic properties including healing wounds and treating conditions such as high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, macular degeneration, poor circulation and nerve damage.

Ginseng is any of eleven different species of short, slow growing perennial plants with fleshy roots. Ginseng is believed to restore and enhance normal well-being. Ginseng is one of the most popular herbal remedies in the world today. Ginseng is used for low iron in the blood (anemia), diabetes, trouble sleeping (insomnia), nerve pain, fever,blood and bleeding disorders, painful joints. Ginseng can be used to improve the health of people recovering from illness. It increases a sense of wellbeing and stamina, and improves both mental and physical performance. Ginseng can be used to help with hepatitis C, and symptoms relating to menopause, and can also be used for lowering blood glucose levels and controlling blood pressure. Ginseng has been shown to reduce the levels of stress in both men and women. Those that take ginseng regularly are able to withstand higher amounts of physical and emotional stress.

Ginkgo biloba is a powerful antioxidant and is well known for its powerful action to enhance circulation, even to the smallest of body parts, and apart from helping with the blood flow, it is thought to also make the blood less sticky. It is also sometimes referred to as GBE (Ginkgo Biloba Extract) Because of its powerful effect on brain, mood and mental functions, it is also referred to as the "smart herb" and is great for reducing high blood pressure, inhibiting blood clots and as an anti- aging supplement. Ginkgo biloba improves brain functioning by increasing the cerebral and peripheral blood flow, the circulation and oxygenation. It is used to treat depression headaches, memory loss, boosting short-term memory, vertigo, tinnitus, leg cramps, asthma, eczema, heart and kidney disorders. The leaves of this herb have been used for thousands of years and contain ginkgolides and heterosides, but need to be taken for some time for the full effect to be felt.

Citrus Bioflavonoids are a group of plant pigments that are responsible for the colors of many flowers and fruits. Citrus bioflavonoids are those bioflavonoids, or flavonoids, found in citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, tangerine, grapefruit, etc. Citrus bioflavonoids have been investigated for their biological activity, with both anti-inflammatory effects being reported. Flavonoids are a subset of a larger group of beneficial plant substances known as Citrus bioflavonoids used to be referred to collectively as vitamin P (the P standing for capillary permeability factor). Bioflavonoids enhance the action of Vitamin C and for this reason they should be taken together. Bioflavonoids are effectively used in the treatment of sport injuries as they are pain relieving.

Green tea extract is a product made from the Camellia sinensis plant. It can be prepared as a beverage, which can have some health effects. Or an "extract" can be made from the leaves to use as medicine. Green tea is used for its antioxidant properties, to help fight mental and physical fatigue, its general health enhancing properties, in the fight against cancer, help to prevent blood clotting tendencies, lower blood cholesterol levels and the regulation of blood sugar levels. It is also used in weight loss programs, since it is helpful to those individuals busy with weight loss. It contains various compounds such as catechin, epigallocatechin, flavonoids, bioflavonoids, fluoride, gallic acid, polyphenols, tannin, theophylline, vitamin C as well as a small amount of caffeine.

Garlic is an herb. It is best known as a flavoring for food. But over the years, garlic has been used as a medicine to prevent or treat a wide range of diseases and conditions. Garlic is rich in antioxidants, which help destroy free radicals -- particles that can damage cell membranes and DNA, and may contribute to the aging process as well as the development of a number of conditions, including heart disease and cancer. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals and may reduce or even help prevent some of the damage they cause over time.

Lycopene is a naturally occurring chemical that gives fruits and vegetables a red color. It is one of a number of pigments called carotenoids. Lycopene is found in watermelons, pink grapefruits, apricots, and pink guavas. It is found in particularly high amounts in tomatoes and tomato products. People take lycopene for preventing heart disease, "hardening of the arteries" (atherosclerosis); and cancer of the prostate, breast, lung, bladder, ovaries, colon, and pancreas. Some people also use lycopene for cataracts and asthma.

Niacinamide is a form of vitamin B3 (niacin) and is used to prevent and treat niacin deficiency (pellagra). Niacin deficiency can cause diarrhea, confusion (dementia), tongue redness/swelling, and peeling red skin. Niacinamide is often used instead of niacin because it causes fewer side effects (e.g., flushing). Unlike niacin, niacinamide does not help correct blood fat levels and cannot be substituted for niacin if you are being treated for a blood fat problem (e.g., high cholesterol).

Vitamin E is an essential fat-soluble vitamin that includes eight naturally occurring compounds in two classes designated as tocopherols and tocotrienols. Vitamin E is an effective chain-breaking, lipid-soluble antioxidant in biological membranes, and aids in membrane stability. One of the most important functions of this vitamin is its antioxidant properties.

Inositol is a naturally occurring nutrient found in various forms, the most common being myo- inositol. It is found in phospholipids which function as cellular mediators of signal transduction, in metabolic regulation, and growth. Inositol plays an important part in the health of cell membranes especially the specialized cells in the brain, bone marrow, eyes and intestines. The function of the cell membranes is to regulate the contents of the cells, which makes effective functioning possible.

Vitamin B1 is also known as thiamine. It is a water soluble vitamin. It helps to convert carbohydrate into energy. It is essential vitamin for metabolism of glucose, and it plays a key role in nerve, muscle, and heart function. It is often called an anti-stress vitamin, it protects the immune system and helps to boost your mood.

Vitamin A and carotene can be obtained from either animal or vegetable sources. Vitamin A is required for night vision, and for a healthy skin. It is required for development and maintenance of the epithelial cells, in the mucus membranes, and your skin, and is important in the formation of bone and teeth, storage of fat and the synthesis of protein and glycogen.

Vitamin K (phylloquinone) can be produced in the intestines and this function is improved with the presence of cultured milk, like yogurt, in the diet, Vitamin K is classified as a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin K is found in nature in two forms - K1, also called phylloquinone, is found in plants and vitamin K2, also called menaquinone, which can be synthesized by many bacteria. Vitamin K3, menadione, is a synthetic form of this vitamin which is manmade.Vitamin K is used in the body to control blood clotting and is essential for synthesizing the liver protein that controls the clotting. It is involved in creating the important prothrombin, which is the precursor to thrombin - a very important factor in blood clotting. It is also involved in bone formation and repair. In the intestines it also assists in converting glucose to glycogen, this can then be stored in the liver. There are some indications that Vitamin K may decrease the incidence or severity of osteoporosis and slow bone loss.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin and is a part of the vitamin B family. It's also known as vitamin H. Biotin helps in converting certain nutrients into energy. It also plays an important role in the health of your hair, skin, and nails.

Vitamin B12:
⇒ Helps keep the nervous system and red blood cells healthy
⇒ Required for the formation of red blood cells and DNA
⇒ Important for protein metabolism

Vitamin C is needed by the body to form collagen. The body also uses vitamin C to make skin, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. It also uses this vitamin to repair and maintain cartilage, bones and teeth, to heal wounds and to form scar tissue.

Choline Bitartrate: Choline's metabolism is closely interrelated to that of methionine, and methyl-folate, yet choline is at times treated by some nutritional specialists as a stepchild in nutrition. Choline assists in controlling weight as well as cholesterol levels, keeping cell membranes healthy and in preventing gallstones. It is also most useful in the maintenance of the nervous system, assisting memory and learning, and may help to fight infections.

Calcium Pantothenate:
⇒ It is form of panthothenic acid or vitamin b5
⇒ Breaks down fats and carbohydrates for energy
⇒ Plays a role in the production of sex and stress hormones in the adrenal glands and neurotransmitters
⇒ Vitamin B5 is needed for the production of red blood cells and cholesterol

Vitamin B2:
⇒ Helps convert food into energy.
⇒ Required for red blood cell production and growth.
⇒ Maintains the function of eyes, nervous system, and skin.

Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine:
Pyridoxine has been used to treats peripheral neuropathy caused by certain drugs such as isoniazid. It has also been used to treat certain genetic disorders such as xanthurenic aciduria, hyperoxaluria. It is one of the major vitamin required by red blood cells.

Folic Acid is a type of B vitamin helps your body produce and maintain new cells, and also helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer. Folic acid is sometimes used in combination with other medications to treat pernicious, aplastic, or normocytic anemia.

Vitamin D3 helps your body absorb calcium. Vitamin D3 is used as a dietary supplement in people who do not get enough vitamin D in their diets to maintain adequate health. Vitamin D is used to treat and prevent bone disorders (such as rickets, osteomalacia).

Iron is essential element carrying oxygen, forming part of the oxygen-carrying proteins - hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscles. It is also a component of various enzymes and is concentrated in bone marrow, liver, and spleen. The production of hemoglobin and myoglobin (the form of hemoglobin found in muscle tissue) requires this nutrient. It is also needed for the oxygenation of red blood cells, a healthy immune system and for energy production.

Zinc:It help is synthesis of more than 70 different enzymes. Zinc containing enzymes regulates metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Zinc fastens wound healing; maintain normal growth rates, balance skin hydration and the senses of taste and smell. It assists normal growth and tissue repair. It boosts cell mediated immunity. It is poorly absorbed when given orally. Zinc is well distributed in tissues lik skeletal muscle, skin, bone, pancreas, kidney, liver, retina, prostate, RBC, and WBC. Zinc is mainly excreted through intestine and only 2% loss in the urine.

Manganese is thought to also help neutralize free radicals as well as being of assistance in preventing diabetes and needed for normal nerve function. Manganese is also indicated in stimulating growth of the connective tissue and is also thought to be of importance in brain functioning.

Calcium is a mineral important for strong bones and teeth. Too little calcium can lead to the bone conditions rickets and osteoporosis. Calcium also has a role in blood clotting and the regulation of muscle contractions including the heartbeat.

Potassium is one of the electrolytes we all require to maintain health. It is needed for growth, building muscles, transmission of nerve impulses, heart activity etc. Potassium, together with sodium - potassium inside the cell and sodium in the fluid surrounding the cell, work together for the nervous system to transmit messages as well as regulating the contraction of muscles.

Tin is considered a trace mineral, or micromineral. It is found in small amounts in our body and is believed to play a part in our overall health and bodily processes. Tin is found in human tissues and in the greatest amounts in the supra-renal glands, liver, brain, spleen, and thyroid gland. There is not a lot of information about tin's role in the human body. In animal studies, it has been shown that a deficiency of tin contributes to poor growth and hearing loss. It has shown some positive benefits for depression, fatigue, pain, skin problems, and digestion.

Nickel is found in several foods including nuts, dried beans and peas, soybeans, grains, and chocolate. The body needs nickel, but in very small amounts. Nickel is a common trace element in multiple vitamins. Nickel is effective in increasing iron absorption, preventing iron-poor blood (anemia), and treating weak bones (osteoporosis). Nickel is considered a trace mineral, or micromineral.

Vanadium supplements are used as medicine. Vanadium is effective in treating diabetes, low blood sugar, high cholesterol, heart disease, tuberculosis, syphilis, a form of "tired blood" (anemia), and water retention (edema); for improving athletic performance in weight training; and for preventing cancer. Vanadium is a trace mineral that is needed by the human body in small amounts. It is commonly found in vegetables and seafood. The presence of vanadium in the brain inhibits cholesterol from forming in the blood vessels. Vanadium is active in many chemical reactions that take place in the body.

Chromium is a mineral found in low doses in many foods. It plays a role in the metabolism of nutrients through by affecting the hormone insulin. Chromium has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and alleviate cardiovascular functions, thereby giving credence to the argument that chromium may possess beneficial effects in countering these conditions.

Chloride is formed when chlorine gas dissolves in water but is also a dietary mineral needed by the body for optimum health. Chloride in the diet works with potassium and sodium, the two electrolytes, to control the flow of fluid in blood vessels and tissues, as well as regulating acidity in the body, and also forms part of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Iodine is used in the production of hormones (such as thyroxine, thyroxin) by the thyroid gland, which in turn regulates the conversion of fat to energy, stabilizing our body weight as well as controlling our cholesterol levels. These hormones produced from the iodine are also needed to help form our bones, as well as keeping our skin, nails, hair and teeth in prime condition.

Manganese is thought to also help neutralize free radicals as well as being of assistance in preventing diabetes and needed for normal nerve function. Manganese is also indicated in stimulating growth of the connective tissue and is also thought to be of importance in brain functioning.

Magnesium:Magnesium plays an important role in relaying signals between your brain and body. Magnesium is required for more than 300 biochemical reactions occurring in the body. It regulates normal nerve and muscle function, supports a healthy immune system, keeps the heartbeat steady, and helps bones remain strong. It also helps adjust blood glucose levels. It is also involved energy production and protein synthesis.

Copper: It is the third most abundant essential trace mineral, and is required as cofactor for many proteins, iron utilization enhancer. Copper, along with amino and fatty acids as well as vitamins, are required for normal metabolic processes. It is well orally absorbed.

Phosphorus is present in the body and can be found mainly in the bones and muscles - at a total body content of around 400 - 500 grams. It is very involved with bone and teeth formation as well as most metabolic actions in the body, including kidney functioning, cell growth and the contraction of the heart muscle

Chloride is formed when chlorine gas dissolves in water but is also a dietary mineral needed by the body for optimum health. Chloride in the diet works with potassium and sodium, the two electrolytes, to control the flow of fluid in blood vessels and tissues, as well as regulating acidity in the body, and also forms part of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

Selenium: It is a vital antioxidant, along with vitamin E, it helps protect the immune system and maintain healthy heart function. It is required by pancreas for proper functioning and tissue elasticity and has been shown to protect against radiation and toxic minerals. Raised cardiovascular disorders are associated with selenium-deficiency. Boron is used for building strong bones, treating osteoarthritis, as an aid for building muscles and increasing testosterone levels, and for improving thinking skills and muscle coordination. Boron seems to affect the way the body handles other minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. It also seems to increase estrogen levels in older (post-menopausal) women and healthy men. Estrogen is thought to be helpful in maintaining healthy bones and mental function. Boric acid, a common form of boron, can kill yeast that cause vaginal infections. Boron may have antioxidant effects.

Methionine is sulfur containing essential amino acid and belongs to a group of compounds called lipotropics - the others in this group include choline, inositol, and betaine. It is important in the process of methylation where methyl is added to compounds as well as being a precursor to the amino acids cystine and cysteine. The amino acid methionine is also a great antioxidant as the sulfur it supplies inactivates free radicals. It may also be used to treat depression, arthritis pain as well as chronic liver disease - although these claims are still under investigation. Some studies have also indicated that methionine might improve memory recall.

Glutamic acid, a non-essential amino acid and is synthesized from a number of amino acids including ornithine and arginine. It is an important excitatory neurotransmitter, and glutamic acid is also important in the metabolism of sugars and fats. It helps with the transportation of potassium across the blood-brain barrier, although itself does not pass this barrier that easily. It also shows promise in the future treatment of neurological conditions, ulcers, hypoglycemic come, muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, Parkinson's, and mental retardation.

Lysine is an essential amino acid and is a basic building block of all protein. It is required for growth and bone development in children, assists in calcium absorption and maintaining the correct nitrogen balance in the body and maintaining lean body mass. Furthermore it is needed to produce antibodies, hormones, enzymes, collagen formation as well as repair of tissue. Since it helps with the building of muscle protein, it is useful for patients recovering from injuries and recovery after operations, and there might be use in lysine to help maintain healthy blood vessels.

Levocarnitine is used to prevent and treat a lack of carnitine. It is used to prevent and treat this condition in patients with kidney disease on dialysis. It is given to people whose body cannot properly use carnitine from their diet. Lack of carnitine can lead to liver, heart, and muscle problems. Carnitine comes in two forms. Levocarnitine (L-carnitine) should not be confused with the D, L-carnitine form (labeled as “vitamin B T”'). Only the L-form of carnitine is used by the body to treat serious carnitine deficiency. The D, L-form does not help the body use fat and can actually interfere with and cause a lack of levocarnitine.L-Cystine is a crystalline, sulfur-containing amino acid, formed from two molecules of the amino acid cysteine.Required for proper vitamin B6 utilization and is also helpful in the healing of burns and wounds, breaking down mucus deposits in illnesses such as bronchitis as well as cystic fibrosis. Cysteine also assists in the supply of insulin to the pancreas, which is needed for the assimilation of sugars and starches. It increases the level of glutathione in the lungs, liver, kidneys and bone marrow, and this may have an anti-aging effect on the body by reducing age-spots etc. It has been shown as it may be effective in preventing hangovers, as well as preventing liver and brain damage.

Side Effects:

The product is possible safe for most adults. There is no disadvantage associated with the product if taken under the recommended usage however common side effects include Gas, constipation, loose stool, and loss of appetite sometimes happen, especially at the beginning of the regimen.


⇒ Avoid alcohol consumption
⇒ Do not take antacid along with the supplements
⇒ Renal or hepatic impairment.


⇒ Do not exceed the recommended dose
⇒ Keep out of reach of children
⇒ The combination should only be used in pregnancy and lactation if benefits outweigh the risks.